June 6, 2015

The highlight of the last day of this long-awaited conference was a 90 minute discussion between world experts on the last 25 years of Periodontology & Implantology. Key discoveries were outlined, contentious issues debated and ideas for the future proposed. I’ll save my summary for this for a dedicated blog post soon 

Another session that I enjoyed today was on patient based outcomes by Professor Filippo Graziani. Here are the 6 top points from his talk:

1. Although the majority of our practice is based on surrogate markers/outcomes (pocket depth, bleeding, plaque), we need to remember that we are treating patients not millimeters. There is a clear need to incorporate patient based outcomes in our practice.

2. Patient based outcomes are subjective measures, which capture patients’ perspectives of the disease and/or therapy. They need to be tangible to the patient, relevant to patients’ daily lives and are intended to complement conventional clinical measures.

3. According to a recent study, there are 4 key areas of interest to the patient – tooth survival, symptoms and impact of disease on daily life, cost and financial impact of disease/treatment and systemic.

4. Oral health related quality of life can be assessed through interviews or questionnaires – OHIP (oral health impact profile) is an example. It considers impact on function (mastication, speech), social (intimacy, communication), psychology (appearance, self-esteem) and pain (acute, chronic).

5. QUIPET (Quality Index of Periodontal Treatment) can help in assessing the quality of the periodontal treatment in a way that is meaningful to both the patient and clinician. Assessing quality is complex and is related to both professional/technical performance as well as patient satisfaction.

6. Periodontal treatment increases oral health related quality of life.

Hope you found that interesting! It’s time to get ready for our very last #EuroPerio8 event this evening…Over and out.


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